I ♥︎ Orangettes by patisserie Sadaharu AOKI paris
Hello, from Kyoto Japan, happy happy Friday!Let's enjoy weekend! Yeah:)
Why am I excited? SALON DU CHOCOLAT has started form this Wednesday in here!!
This is the Chocolate festival for Valentines day, we have it every year. You don't know how much I love this event. Actually I can buy chocolates of around the world even if it's not the event, if I visit there shop. But all they're in the same space! Chocolateries are also coming here.
Of course, I already got some chocolates, share my favorites.
My best is the above one forever, I've never stop to eat these, so fabulous.....MUST BUY for me.
This is the another by patisserie Sadaharu AOKI paris, "BON BON CHOCOLAT Grand Cre", getting 5 stars
Love MAZET, I collect the can box:)
This is the first coming to Kyoto. "PRASLINE ROCKFALL"
Qu'ils mangent de la chocolat!